Is Cotton Top Tamarin Pet or Not

Small monies, Cotton top Tamarin, are common pet fond in South America surrounded with tropical forest and secondary forest. They also knew as new world monkey. Their incredibly intelligence and playfulness list him in cutest pet of the world. They stay active in daylight and rest over peek of the tree at night when dark spread all around. High sociability seems with same class Cotton top Tamarin. They stay on troops which lead by eldest family member.


These lovely squirrel sized Tamarin found in northwest Columbia in South America.

Scientific name:

Cotton top Tamarin scientific name is Saguinus oedipu that belong to Mammalia class and Callitrichidae family.

Other names:

• Cotton-headed Tamarin
• Crested Tamarin

Life span:

Average life of Cotton top Tamarin is about 13-14 years.

Litter size:

Cotton top Tamarin gives birth to twins in a single spring.

Amazing facts about Cotton top Tamarin:

Cotton top Tamarin is intelligent. They almost create 40 different sounds t which shows his vocal capacity. They ate cutest and smaller breed show sensitivity for housing. This is why they call rare pet.

Personality behaviors:

Cotton top Tamarin are cuts pet found so active and energetic. Cotton top Tamarin is to cooperative with their families. Birth rate is very high in Cotton top Tamarin as a female give birth to twins a after 5-6 month maternity month and soon prep again within few days, almost 15 days, for another clutch. Male Cotton top Tamarin helps a lot in taking care of newly birth babies then females.

Physical description:

Cotton top Tamarin is smallest breed in monkey world that reach to 17 cm in length while their tail are double or less in proportion to their body. They are just 0.5 kg in weight white sagittal crest, fur tuft, on head and shoulders. Their tails are not prehensile. Both genders are in equal sizes. Flat but shape nails accepts big toes help him a lot in prey.

Black face with similar, grey or white band above eyes are distinguished feature, Male Cotton top Tamarin take 2 year to reach at maturity level while female take almost 3. Their bodies coved with fur just foot pads and palms are free from them.


Cotton top Tamarin is active pet need lots of space for jumping and playing. They spend most of time n upper tree. They enjoy sleeping and leisure time between branches in natural habitat. Basically Cotton top Tamari like to live in groups that consist between three to thirteen members. Cotton top Tamarin is little bit conscious about their habitat and surrounding and that the actual reason of high endangered rate.


Fruits, flower, insects like lizards, spiders and frogs enlisted as their favorite food. They also love nectar but their actual prey is birds, snakes and small cat because Cotton top Tamarin are naturally belong to primates. About 40% of diet consists on fruits and 40% of minerals. They take fruit to find enough amount of juice that cover their thirst.

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